Le Tarot des chimères

French/ English

Published in: 
June 2024

9 x 17 cm

- 20 Tarot cards
- User guide

Preface :
Created for the exhibition, 'Læ Fol, l’Aube et l’Étoile', featuring five queer artists from Collectif Kimera, this deck of 20 cards is the fruit of a collaboration between the artists Yel K. Banto, Tristan Bartolini, Camille Bellmas, Vincent Grange and Hsuan Lee. Together, they set out to revisit and embody the archetypes of the traditional Tarot, creating this object as an extension of their collective exhibition.

For some of them, the tarot is an everyday tool. But beyond that, looking at the tarot served a way to bring their individual artistic practices into dialogue, which explores their queer identities. The twenty-two major arcana of the tarot present a palette of archetypes and symbols that, according to these artists, intrinsically convey an obvious queerness — The Fool is a figure on the fringes of society, the angels are entities far beyond the male/female binary, the omnipresent water in the cards is a symbol of their fluidity, and the chimaeras occupying this deck are mythical embodiments of the plurality of bodies.

Write to us if you would like a copy!

Popote : A collective recipe book

French/ English

Published in:
February 2024

35.5 x 23.5 cm

- 14 recipes
- 2 essays (Cooking Identities and Hey Woman, Are You a Roti? Patriarchy and Indian Flatbread)
- 1 magnet and 1 ceramic spoon

Kimera is 10 bellies holding an endless number of culinary delights, memories and reflections. For us, the act of cooking and sharing meals stands as a highlight for mutual exchange and care. Using food beyond sustenance, it acts as an ingredient in cooking our own cultural heritage and memories, being an edible memory. A way to voice in harmony, bring all flavours of Kimera together, to ground ourselves in the present, within the collective and by extension within society. Popote: A collective recipe book, as the name suggests, includes several recipes that are meaningful to the collective members. Additionally, it has a few reflections in the form of two essays, from our collective member, Ankita and a guest artist, Pallavi Keshri.

Write to us if you would like a copy!